January 19, 2009


Hello pretty ladies! And welcome to TVD! As of now, The Virtual Dish is still over heavy-co., but we're gonna keep the blogs coming. Now, this blog isn't going to be boring little 'follower' blogging, it's going to be OUR way, OUR style, OUR gossip, and I really don't care if you like it or not, but I know you will. We'll blog about really anything; Catfights on stardoll, Hollywood news in R.L., New trends on stardoll and on the catwalk.
We'll have a Hitlist when we review some of our favorite people and their outfits on stardoll.
We'll have guest writers, party tips, make-up tips, all you can imagine. (:

But in truth, it could be nasty, but after all, blogs aren't supposed to sugar coat everything, am I right? 

As of now we're having banners made for the writers but over and out for now! 

-Payton + crew! 

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